The first sip of morning coffee –– one of the most cherished experiences of everyday life.
In fact, coffee is not just a beverage anymore; it’s a socializing element, a drink that people bond over.
However, the health benefit of coffee always remains a topic of controversy, filled with questions.
Even though coffee has been associated with insomnia, indigestion, increased heart rate, and blood pressure, recent studies show genuine health benefits of coffee.
Health Benefits of Coffee
In terms of antioxidants, coffee even surpasses green tea and cocoa. Antioxidants fight inflammation, an underlying cause of many chronic conditions, including arthritis, atherosclerosis. and many types of cancer.
Also, caffeine in coffee (about 100mg per cup) provides a short-term memory boost. Studies show that moderate amounts of caffeine can also provide a natural energy boost. In another study, it was said that regular coffee consumption may help prevent cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
Some other health benefits of coffee include reducing the risk of type-2 diabetes, improving heart functionality, lowering risks of different types of cancers, preventing gout, and improving your mental health.
Nevertheless, the real question arises when evaluating the production of coffee. The barista at your favorite coffee shop might not know this, but coffee is the world’s most sprayed crop that humans consume. The long-term and short-term effects of exposure to synthetic pesticides and herbicides sprayed on nonorganic coffee has become a topic of discussion with the rising popularity of coffee.
Let’s take a look at some of the things that non-organic coffee brands may not want you to know.
Negative Impacts of Non-organic Coffee
The Environment
To produce less-expensive coffee, conventional growers cut down rainforests, creating full-sun coffee plantations throughout South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Studies show roughly 11 million acres of land get used exclusively for the production of coffee.
To increase the production of coffee, chemical fertilizers are used along with harmful pesticides. As a result, destroying the equilibrium in the entire area.
Your Health
When artificial pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are used, the chemicals stay with the beans and end up in your body. In the long-term, damaging cells and organs and often leading to several types of cancers. These chemicals can also disrupt hormone and immune-system function. The Environmental Protection Agency warns that 30 percent of insecticides, 60 percent of herbicides, and 90 percent of fungicides are carcinogenic.
Additionally, pregnant and nursing women who ingest conventionally grown coffee pass the chemical residues on to their fetuses or nursing babies. This presents an even greater risk since babies’ bodies have less fat, so the pesticide is more likely to be absorbed by internal organs.
The Farmer’s and Other Rural Resident’s Health
Other than the consumers, the health of farmers’ and other local residents is also put at risk due to exposure to toxic substances in the workplace and water supplies. For instance, in Mexico, serious public health and water quality impacts have been linked to pesticide use. In one documented case, more than 200 people became sick from drinking water contaminated with agricultural pesticides and fertilizers in the western Mexican state of Jalisco.
Nitrogen fertilizers used in coffee production has been identified as a suspect for certain cancers, birth defects, hypertension, and developmental problems in children.
All these threats that non-organic coffee presents –– but we know that you’re not ready to give up coffee. And the good news is, YOU DON’T HAVE TO!
Organic coffee comes with all the benefits of coffee while eliminating the adverse effects of it.
To be organic, coffee must be grown and processed without the use of any chemical pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, or other additives. The farm must not have used any chemical farming practices for at least three years.
It’s free from harmful substances
We already learned that toxic chemical residues from pesticides contribute to many serious diseases. Since organic coffee is produced organically by eliminating the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, it contains none of the health risks. Its crop is prepared only with organic fertilizers instead, including compost, chicken manure, and organic pesticides. Thus, in the absence of any toxic and unwanted chemicals, the output received is 100% pure and healthy.
It’s healthier
Organic coffee is high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, such as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin, as well as other nutrients like potassium, manganese, and magnesium. Coffee boosts the immune system and helps the bodyguard against disease. Organic coffee typically tastes better, too; growing in higher altitudes where it takes longer to develop results in a richer flavor many coffee drinkers can distinguish.
Friendlier to the environment
Apart from the health risks related, the environmental impact is another key factor for non-organic coffee. Most organic coffee is grown in the shade of thick and lush green forest trees. Forested coffee farms sustain soil fertility, keep regional ecosystems alive, and handle unusual weather patterns better, making them a safer investment for farmers.
Safer for farmers
Organic coffee is not only healthier for you, but also healthier for the farmers. It imparts zero negative environmental impact on nearby residential communities. In a study conducted in Eastern Jamaica, on 81 conventional coffee growers, not a single farmer was spared from its harmful health effects. But with organic coffee farming, hardworking coffee growers are no more susceptible to any danger related to health.
It’s free from mold & mycotoxin
Mold and mycotoxins are a serious health concern, with accepted levels for consumption differing from country to country. Mycotoxins form from some molds. If mycotoxins are present, only a small amount can be eliminated at high roast temperatures. Unfortunately, these high temperatures may increase the formation of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and eliminate healthy chlorogenic acids (polyphenols) in coffee. Therefore, testing coffee as it passes through each step of the supply chain, ensuring it is free from contamination is necessary. Screening for mold and mycotoxins is another added benefit of organic coffee.
Now that you’ve learned about the incredible health benefits of organic coffee, let’s look into five key factors you should keep in mind while looking for the best organic coffee.
∙ It is sourced and produced 100% organically
∙ It is screened for mold and mycotoxins
∙ It is roasted to maximize the antioxidant content
∙ It is sourced sustainably
∙ Last but not the least, it tastes great!
Apart from the delicious taste and remarkable smell, coffee comes with many health benefits.
Let’s face it, we all love it and we wanna keep drinking it.
Simply by choosing organic coffee, you can enjoy all the amazing health benefits within the cup of happiness and avoid harmful pesticides. So, go organic and keep sipping.
Have you tried organic coffee? Comment below to let us know your experience.